Monday, February 23, 2009

Slave girl

Slave girl
Oh my goodness lord have mercy over us
we go through so much
you people have no idea what it is like to have to wake every morning
and not be able to look in the mirror
not a piece of tissue to touch.

No money to even get a glance at
I loose so much weight I'd rather be fat
No pets
not a dog
not a cat
not a frog
not a bat

not even a roach to
first I am glad to be
but then be
but I can only be me
I try not to complain
but this life is SO! lame

If I could be someone else
I would not know who to choose
so I mind as well stay my self.
Just thinking as a young slave girl
i try hard not to get hit
i pry that the master doesn't
want me o have a baby
at such an early age like he did my mom
she was just fourteen.
I don't want to be that girl.

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