Monday, February 23, 2009

Black history boy

That Black History, Boy I do not
know what to do about him
He has the best most taming yet,
voice and Melony I have ever
He sings to me when I feel down
about something
He tells me change
has come because Obama got
elected in office
as president
He reminds me that I have to look
at the fact that I am
very lucky because I have been
through a lot but,...
I do not truly know the meaning of
being hurt meant when it came to being a slave.
But that black history boy
he treats me so good
to me and i would like to think him
for all the love he has showed me .
He reminds me every day how luck I am
how wealthy and fortunate I am.
He tells me to stay in the light on the bright side.
"Go strong when the fire comes your way"
That black history boy.

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