Monday, January 26, 2009

Poem to the president


Yes we can,"change"
Yes we have,"changed"
and yes we will continue to "change"

Rosa sat so
Martin could walk,
Martin walked so Obama could run,
Obama ran so us children can fly.

Yes we can,"change"
Yes we have,"changed"
and yes we will continue to "change"

I have a dream that an african american president will appear
he will share and care

And I, will not stand up and give up my seat or my rights to nobody
no matter if you are back or white,

And at last , yes we can strive
with no child left behind.

1 comment:

Coraima said...

I love you poem. I want you to see this great poem by Ana. go to and i want you to read her poem The Power of Change to show you that you two have left me speechless with your amazing poetry.